Friday, July 13, 2018

Hedge Bindweed

Dark Moon workings with hedge bindweed from my garden. Considered a nuisance by most gardeners and landowners, it's quite useful in Witchcraft, and so I give it some room to spread around. 

There are medicinal uses for bindweed, like the morning glory pictured here, but that's not of interest to me for this particular plant.  

It is said the roots can act as a substitute for High John the Conqueror Root in any Hoodoo spell. 

The value for me is in the vines and roots. 
I like it for use in constricting, containing and binding spells.

With flowers that like to bloom at dawn and dusk, bindweed is a liminal plant that sits in the in-between. Witches like this plant for its use as an ally for accessing thresholds, doorways and other realms and worlds.

 Use the vines to bind people, spirits or objects. It can be used in handfastings, for relationships, protection, baneful works and hexing. 

Bindweed can be braided, knotted, coiled, bound into a ball, tied in various fashions, and wrapped around any object. Weave intentions, energy, enchantments, hair, fibers and other items into the vines as you go, or slip in a picture, name paper or spell between the vines. The continuous vine is perfect in rituals and spells for creating a connection to other worlds for journeying, for safe travel for yourself or a loved one, and as a bridge or link to a place, person, object or time. 

Use it while it's fresh, between Spring and early Fall.