Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Spiritually Correct- Guest Post by Annelise Bjørka Gede

Thank you Annelise for sharing here. I now have a new word for my vocabulary. ~SRW

Spiritually Correct. 

A concept I made up because I`m knee deep in it. 

It`s everywhere. 

That arrogant and brutal "be positive and grateful"-ideology of our time, made by the well-
adjusted to serve the well-adjusted. 

Who, in their relatively good lives, can rest assured that they must be "thinking the right way" and on good standing with the Universe, which "wishes them well".

The perfect way for the well-adjusted to shut up those in hell talking "negative". 

Not allowed! 


Be positive, damn it!!

This strange mix of kvantum (quantum) mechanics and fairy tales. 

"We are what we think." 

"We create our own reality." 

"Life is a fairy tale, a "process." 

"All ends well." 

We live happy and enlightened ever after once we`ve slain the dragon.

Likewise all of us losers with rotten lives can kick ourselves further into hell knowing our bad lives are simply our own fault because our thoughts are "wrong". 

Nothing to do with our lives, traumas, experiences. 

Oh no, we simply think wrong.

In grateful land you see bloody but always positive and smiling traffic victims, laughing bereaved, eternally grateful beggars. 

Life is good in grateful land.

Annelise Bjørka Gede is a former journalist and follows a Shamanic path. She lives in Denmark.