Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Wildwood Tarot: The Stag

I enjoy the Wildwood Tarot deck for its animistic and primitive imagery. Many cards in this deck speak with a Spirit of their own. It is easy to feel connected to the primal parts of yourself and Nature with this deck, connected to the threads of ancestral wisdom that come through in the cards.

Today's drawn card is The Stag.

Looking at this card, the features that immediately speak to me are the serious expression on the stag's face, the antlers, and the large shield with a World tree. Next I'm drawn to the double-axe, noting it is held by a human hand, and then onto the enormous tree in the background. 

As half human, half animal, The Stag embodies All. Here, He acts as a Forest King, a powerful figure to encounter on any journey through the wild woods. His battle axe is an ancient symbol of divine power that can't be ignored. As Guardian, He stands between the journeyer and Nature, the latter of which He has been entrusted to protect. 

You will not be irreverent here. 
You will not be disrespectful here. 
You will not leave your fucking trash here. 
You will not dump your poisons here.
You will not hunt for sport here. 
You will not desecrate the land here. 

His bladed weapons in clear view, never mind the imposing antlers, are at the ready and a clear forewarning of what your fate will be if you do not act accordingly in this sacred space that is the Earth. 

The repetition of tree imagery connects The Stag to his environment and says He is not just a resident of the forest, He IS the forest. What affects the trees, the land, the blades of grass, affect Him. They are One. 

When you enter this space, you must recognize and acknowledge that you, too, are One with your environment. You are not simply an observer looking in from the outside. You are not just a passerby. You are responsible. You are not just a tourist or visitor without connection to this space. You are reminded to be aware, to truly see and feel your presence here and your Oneness with this Land. 

Take ownership. You have forgotten who you are, where you came from. You came from Here. From this soil, water, fire and air. You are this place. You are Nature. You are the trees. You are the grass. You are the Land. 

Passing through this space requires you to remember, to feel invested in preserving and protecting the Earth and Her resources. 

The Stag asks: 
Have you been wasteful? Have you been careless with resources? 
Have you been thoughtless, greedy or selfish?
Have you shirked responsibilities?
Have you been dishonest or disloyal?
Have you behaved without integrity?
Have you blamed others while ignoring your own mistakes?
Have you forgotten your connections?
Have you forgotten how to be Silent?

This card speaks to personal responsibility, integrity, harmony, balance and justice. We reap what we sow. Nature's justice is without judgment or forgiveness- foreign concepts to the Earth. She will simply always find the balance She needs in whatever way works. She can be merciful, and she can be deadly. Upending that balance with carelessness and disregard brings natural consequences. The Stag is here to keep that balance in check and work to enforce the Laws of the Land. 

Are you an enemy of the land, or are you an ally? If being honest, most of us would have to say a little of both. We all have room for improvement. This card puts us on notice and invites us to course correct in our personal lives and in our larger communities. Balance needs to be restored. Justice will be served for those who choose to ignore the signs.